Snivy14's advert:
Rare items and other stuff in my shop I really want them gone also custom dogs for sale I want them gone as well located in my for sale kennel 10 bones each all maxed
Ala Changes 8P
Started By
I miss the old Ala. Before I start, I am not here to rampage and nitpick about little things, but just major things that are starting to make this site more of a chore thank a fun activity. As of late, I have noticed that almost everything is getting more expensive, not just by a couple thousand, but by hundreds of thousands of dollars. I.E scholar Collar was-110,000 now-1 million. revitalizer was-15,000 now-150,000. I understand the economy is going to pot, but now newbie players can't possibly hope to afford a collar, and will probably just quit in frustration. lastly, I am getting a bit upset at how controlled Ala now feels. Around once a week, I am messaged about something being wrong about what I am doing, wether it be a list on my profile, or chat, forums, or scribbling other users. I know a couple of times I was wrong, but the rest of the time the things I was modded about were little things blown out of proportion. I also feel that the mod(s) are being a bit biased after talking to players about issues, as one mod put me on her no-sell list for some reason I don't understand, and now if I make a mistake in chat or something, she starts acting like I hacked ala and stepped on a puppy. I just would like them to get on the same level and not act so holier than thou art.

09-2-2011 at 7:33 PM
<i>You just have to look in the right markets.</i><br /> <br /> Well, this really does make sense. I suppose two months ago, was it? that I saw VERY few ads on CS pet sales, and I just threw whatever pets I can live without into the market, and voila! money right on your lap. That was BEFORE anyone else thought of it, and now people are either selling or requesting CS pets.<br /> <br /> <i><br /> It depends on supply and demand though.</i><br /> <br /> Yes, I suppose it does depend on supply and demand. I realized I got a lot of rares and some very rares I could spare, and within a few weeks(?) my supply was exhausted. Not all that's left are uncommons that no one wants.<br /> <br /> I do realize that I'm talking about CS Pets here. Yes, that's right, I'm talking out of terms/subject. But I just want to relate my own experience, too you know. xD<br /> <br /> All of these things(selling dogs), within Ala, are profits of hard work. Maxed dogs bred entail better dogs than their parents were, and the lineage goes on and on, so long as you keep the regimen of maxing dogs up.<br /> <br /> I just felt I had to say this. x3

09-1-2011 at 9:37 PM
It depends on supply and demand though. At least for me it seems that there is not a high demand for Borzois (since huskies and pitts came out those are more popular) or perhaps the market is flooded with them, I don't know. I am not going to switch breeds just because I can't sell dogs that have been sitting in auctions for two months now without a buyer. The only way I seem to be able to sell dogs now (and I have high tp, cleanbred dogs with varying coats) is if I spend weeks to max them myself and sell maxed dogs. So unless I want to switch to a "popular" breed, I just have to ride out the market.

09-1-2011 at 9:21 PM
A quick note on money making... I find that dogs that are 600+ TP tend to drop in value like a load of bricks in sale price until they start entering the 2000-3000+TP range. I was arguing that it's become nearly impossible to make money on Alacrity anymore, but other users brought up a valid point: dogs with lots of rare/uncommon markings and perfect personalities can be a big moneymaker. My side has $13000 ala cash sitting on it--after buying food for all my dogs on it. I haven't sent money or food to that account in over a month. It's beginning to turn a big profit because I have several maxed pairs with roughly 150-200 TP between the dogs in each breeding pair. All it really is is a side project where I buy pretty-looking low TP aussies (usually 100 or less TP) for $1000 or less, not an intentionally profitable program. The pairs I'm using are churning out puppies as much as possible and I'm relatively quickly selling 100-200 TP puppies for <br /> $1000 each. Three of my maxed pairs had a girl go into heat and I got 9-10 puppies total from all the pregnancies. So, every 2-3 weeks, that's ~$10k right there. Have a big kennel to house all those breeding pairs and puppies and even more money will come in.<br /> So, as the other users had told me, it's possible to make money. You just have to look in the right markets.<br /> Basically, the reason your puppies aren't selling well is because there's not much of a market for them. I saw 1000+TP dogs for sale for $1000 or less while most of the dogs like the puppies my side sells were up for sale at for $2000 or more. This was when the economy was still relatively strong. EDIT: It's still the case now. <a href= rel=nofollow>This</a> higher TP aussie is for sale at the same price as <a href= rel=nofollow>this</a> side project puppy of mine. Over 100% more TP and selling at the same price. I didn't even try hard to find that dog. It was one of the first higher TP dogs that came up in my search.
edit history
2011-09-01 21:32:04 by #4055

08-31-2011 at 12:21 PM
there is no way I could sell my maxed dogs, because they are the only way I can win trials, and I spent alot of money getting them maxed, so they would be like 100k and no one would buy them! also I don't have any items that are worth more than 1k, the only one I have is the Red Cross Fox, and i am using it for something. I never said anything about kicking admins butts,Nals, and I think we should just stop with the poll already, because it is obvious that raising trial winnings is the winner there. I didn't see anything wrong with the economy until the new shop was opened and then all this stuff about a supposed economy crisis happening.

08-31-2011 at 10:56 AM
"Also I think the Issue hub should be tweaked slightly. When people pop into chat to ask a quick question that can<br /> be answered super fast, and they are directed to the issue hub, that seems ridiculous. Yes, if you are a newbie and <br /> you need a long explanation, or want to report a bug, etc, or have a problem with someone, use the issue hub. But a quick <br /> question? It usually can take a day or more for an issue to be claimed and responded to (understandable)."<br /> <br /> How do you suggest the hub should be tweaked? As a newbie helper, I answer the tiny questions and not just direct to the hub and I see my fellow newbie helpers do the same. I only direct to the hub if there are a ton of questions being asked by a large group or someone has a ton of questions. We are required to remind people of the hub and its use =). <br /> <br><br /> I have also never seen an issue sit for a day in the hub. Most of the time the hub is empty for us and I haven't seen an issue sit longer than 10min. I am on every day and snag one right when I see it and I know others do the same =).<br /> <br><br /> What do you think would make us or the hub more effective? I'm always curious and open to hear suggestions. =D<br /> <br /> --------------------------------<br /> <br /> In regards to the other things, someone has said that they are expected to keep screen caps in order to report issues with mods/admins/nh (what have you) and that the mods don't seem have to keep records or proof. Think of it like you're reporting someone to the police. You need some type of evidence for 'court'. It's really hard to see what a staff member has done wrong if we see no evidence. We are not saying it doesn't exist but having evidence allows Rob and the admins to see things clearly. Navigating with only half the directions is difficult. Also, I'm sure mods are required to keep proof and records. I was friends with mods on another site and they had a ton of work behind the scenes that no one was able to see. <br /> <br><br /> As for the thing about a punishment being scribbled on someone's profile, I don't think that is acceptable. Things like that should be kept private but when I say this, please think of the other way as well. If any mods do get punished or talked to, why should you be able to see it? (Please note Nitrous that I'm not saying you're guilty of saying this. Just using your situation as an example =))<br /> <br><br /> How do we go about communication? How can we bring more of it to you guys? What can we do as staff to make things more clear for you guys? =) . For me, I'd like to see a category added to the issue hub that says 'admins' where only Rob, Wysper, Kael, and Aadyn could see. I think then it might make it a little easier for you to report any abuses going on?<br /> <br><br /> But yes guys, please do report anything that isn't right. If its in chat, please snag the log by clicking 'view last 200 chats' and copy or screen shot it. If its a message, save the message. A profile scribble? Don't delete it and take a screen shot. Because this is the internet, it makes it very easy for you to grab proof so please do use that option =). If you aren't comfortable talking to an admin, as Wysper said, please do message Rob. <br /> <br><br /> As for the economy, I think we are all unsure of how it exactly fix it. All we can do is try things out. The prices technically have not been entirely put in place because magical items and some others are still in monthly shop. How about we let this go as a try and see where it leads? I think we should test things out first before knocking them down =). I'm waiting to see how this all plays out before formally submitting my thoughts on the price increase. Rob is trying her best to right the game out instead of letting it run haywire.<br />

08-31-2011 at 2:42 AM
You know, you can find other ways to make money. Selling items, your maxed dogs, offering up stud services, selling CS pets, and the like. I understand that you're frustrated that this thing happens, but what can we do? Kick Robyn's and the other Admins' butts and order them to heighten the prizes? May as well just leave if you want, you know. If you want to know why, then why not ask Robyn? Or do you want me to ask her myself?<br /> <br /> I know I should shut up, but this I just can't let pass. :3

08-30-2011 at 5:45 PM
today, I had a prime example of what all these changes have done. in the past, I earned about 20k in trials a day, and today I earned a whopping 3k. 3K!!!!!!!!!. that's enough to buy food. thats it. and with my newest litter, it doesn't even break even. Some type of support or way of raising winnings will really be needed for people to earn some decent money. I think that the trial's winnings were lowered because people were earning absurd amounts because they have 8k+TP DOGS! I have up to 3k TP dogs, and I only make 1k back from them if they make 1st place, and then subtract 800 from that for entering, and then feeding them, and you get around 170ish? and that is only if I make first place, which I haven't for quite a while with all the TP monsters lurking the trials.

08-27-2011 at 8:12 AM
I have to agree with Nals. <br /> <br /> I've been seeing a lot of talk about not being able too afford monthly items and how terrible it is. First of all, we get a free item and bag if upgraded. The site is giving the total userbase something that would cost over a million dollars sitewide if every upgraded player bought it. These are not items that are NEEDED.<br /> <br /> Some people think that they NEED a scholar collar or a water bowl. No, you want it. And if YOU want it, YOU earn it. No one in real life is going to lowr a ferrari for you because you can't afford it. I keep hearing "But I collect all the monthly items and now I can't afford them all." <br /> <br /> Uh, excuse me, but sometimes I can barely buy 2 things in that shop. Most new users (and old) can't get one! <br /> <br /> The cash boutique has raised prices for a REASON. They know that schollar collars don't cost that much. But you get those users who can't live without one, and they just might spend that extra money on it, especially if its not in the montly shop for a few months. <br /> <br /> I feel like I should shut up now XD

08-27-2011 at 1:14 AM
"<i>We've been suggesting and sharing opinions on suggestions. Debating, discussion, and sharing experiences allow us to form suggestions.</i>"<br /> <br /> Discussion to form suggestions? This is a first. I have <i>never</i> seen this kind of 'plan' to form suggestions in my years of lurking the forums. Poeple just used to weigh the options of whether this suggestion would be good or bad for the site.<br /> <br /> "<i>They aren't necessary to play Alacrity with. They are simply goodies, nothing more.</i>"<br /> <br /> If and then they aren't necessary, why are all people so keen to hoard all their money and bones to buy such thigs when it's not needed? I know this is contradictory for me and you and a lot of people, but why, you know?<br /> <br /> "<i>We don't need new players grabbing all the goodies within the first few days; they are "luxury items," after all. </i>"<br /> <br /> What's wrong with new players trying to scramble up the ladder? Is it because you're worried that newer players that have less experience than you are, say, higher than you? I think this is biased; there is nothing wrong with newbies vying for the Scholar Collars, Monthly Bags, and upgrades. After all, there is nothing they can do but go up, up, up the ladder, and be more, say, experienced than those who have registered earlier than them. It's like saying, "We don't need more new players. Let's just let Alacrity's account numbers stop at this number and now we won't have anyone anymore to contend with! Mwahahaha!" Also, it's unfair to say this, because, you know, you're sort of putting down the people who like the challenge of trying to reach the top.<br /> <br /> "<i>One thing that kind of annoys me is people talking about new people getting these luxury items within a few days at old prices.</i>"<br /> <br /> Well, the users around here aren't even used to selling the old things at new prices; they might not even care about changing the prices at their shops! But hey, maybe the new players are gaining experience fast and have made money faster than ever before, thus obtaining items they never knew they could get. We don't know, really, if they are quick to learn or just plain cheating. :shrugs:<br /> <br /> "<i>And it would take me way more saving than it should to afford any of it. I understand they are luxury items, but its treating richer players better, in my mind.</i>"<br /> <br /> If these luxury items are 'treating the richer users better', then go ask the admin to go ahead and kick these luxury items out of the richer users' inventories so they may go back down to your level, and be poor. They earned those items themselves, and I think you're just acting all immature because you're not rich. Don't worry, I'm not rich either. I barely have 10k on hand.<br /> <br /> Let's say we put this in real life, shall we? Example: You're living the life of luxury, with someone to wait on you hand and foot. You've got the best of the best, the finest food, drink, car, laptop/computer model, cellphone. And suddenly, out of the blue, someone suggests that you sell all your belongings to the public. You'll think that these people should work harder to get these things. Imagine you're the public, and us, the 'ricer players' are, well, the rich ones. It's the same thing. We worked hard for these; we should get some rest.<br /> <br /> I know these things may be quite frustrating, but I think it's the truth. C:

08-24-2011 at 9:24 AM
One thing that kind of annoys me is people talking about new people getting these luxury items within a few days at old prices. That...kind of isn't possible, even at the old prices. Sure, you can get them a little faster with more games and trail prizes, but a new user isn't going to have a ton of TS to train high TP dogs to gain them that much in trials, and games don't give you quite that much, even if you play them all every day.>.> It was still really hard to get those items.<br /> <br /> I could understanding upping the prices a little bit to deal with new games and trail prize increases, but not this much. I'm not a poor player and I still can't afford pretty much anything in that shop. And it would take me way more saving than it should to afford any of it. I understand they are luxury items, but its treating richer players better, in my mind. It takes poorer players longer to train high TP dogs, giving them less time to trial them, due to dog's dying/losing health from old age.<br /> <br /> I'm gonna stop though cause I'm half asleep and I'm pretty sure that last bit didn't quite make sense the way I wanted it to.

08-24-2011 at 9:01 AM
What people are missing is that these "luxury items" obviously existed before this shop, but now the prices are jacked so high it (at least in part) skewed the economy. <br /> <br /> Bones are going for more now. And it shocks me when people say "Oh, but player shop prices haven't gone up!" well, they didn't have to. Think about it. Something that went for five bones months ago would be worth about 50k. Now it's selling for more like 175k. <br /> <br /> If anything, the user shop prices would have to come way down to keep up with the economy. Instead, things for the most part stay the same, and few people can afford what they used to be able to.

08-24-2011 at 7:04 AM
"I too disagree with the price changes."<br /> <br /> These items are "luxury items," as I've heard it put. As such, of <i>course</i> they should be expensive! Otherwise, everyone would have them, and what's the good of having common "rares" and "luxuries?" They aren't necessary to play Alacrity with. They are simply goodies, nothing more. <br /> <br /> <br /> How did it feel to max your first dog? Most people would reply saying that they were happy, proud, felt accomplished. And it truly was a great goal to meet.<br /> <br /> Was it easy? Goodness, no! Did it require patience? Of course! Some might go as far to say it seemed impossible, frustrating, hopeless, tiresome... It took much time, money, and devotion to max your dog. And in the end, you accomplished something great, and felt good about having done it.<br /> <br /> What about saving up for these expensive items? It is taking time, requires patience, devotion, and yes, especially money. It isn't going to be any easier than maxing your first dog. However, when you get that item, no matter how frustrating and hopeless it seemed at first, you will be happy. You accomplished something you felt would take forever! And you feel great about it.<br /> <br /> I worked hard to get enough money for a scholar collar. It was tiresome and hard, but I kept at it. Without that desire and patience, I would have just given up. However, I did get it - with a donation from a kind person, I admit, but primarily my own doing. And it was great! I had done it! I had a little more hope that I might, just might be able to get the monthly items after all!<br /> <br /> Now of course, the price for the collar is different now than it was back than. However, the same would have occurred, I assure you. The moment you get a foothold in Alacrity, as you learn how to make money, it gets even <i>easier</i> to make money. This price change was necessary. We don't need new players grabbing all the goodies within the first few days; they are "luxury items," after all. <br /> <br /> If you want better items, you're going to have to work for them. But in the end, it's totally worth it. It seems impossible and absurd now, but later, it's just going to be part of the game and the fun of it.

08-23-2011 at 1:02 PM
"Maybe this thread should be moved to debates though, as it is not really a suggestion."<br /> <br /> It's been explained several times that many of us cannot participate in debate, and many of the original posts <i>are</i> suggestions, feel free to read them.<br /> <br /> I'm not sure why people are assuming these polls are going to be so overly abused and damaging. I think it's already been established that they would be private (between players and non-mod staff, and the admins) and the mechanics of them have not yet even been established. Who says everyone has to vote either negatively or positively for every mod? Why couldn't they just have an option for "I don't know this mod" or "Do not have enough information to decide"?<br /> <br /> Even if there are people assuming and voting on a mod based on stories, that's going to be filtered out.<br /> <br /> If Mod A has 100 negative votes and 5 positive votes, it doesn't really matter how many people were assuming. There's a substantial deficit from players who think that mod is bad then those who think they are good. <br /> <br /> Now flip it. Mod B has 5 negative votes and 100 positive votes. Wouldn't it be fair to say that's a pretty good mod?

08-23-2011 at 11:57 AM
I too disagree with the price changes. I was all set to buy my first revitalizer, after saving 15k (which is hard for me) I noticed that they were in a different location and had gone up to 150,000?!<br /> And I too agree that some of the mods act unfair at times, and are a bit biased.

08-23-2011 at 9:24 AM
Oh, that's also very true. Someone who has had no interaction with a mod might vote that they're being a good mod based off assumption. Or because they've actually had no issues with them, but only because they've not interacted with them at all.

08-23-2011 at 9:21 AM
I think that if we had a "mod voting poll", it would potentially make a mod lose their job, because everybody would be voting, not just the people who have had experience with a certain mod. I think that votes/feelings towards a mod would be altered based on hear-say and stories of experience [that may or not even be true].

08-23-2011 at 8:28 AM
We've been suggesting and sharing opinions on suggestions. Debating, discussion, and sharing experiences allow us to form suggestions. I suppose I haven't contributed all that much, though, so I'm sorry about that.<br /> <br /> I'm not so sure about the "mod evaluation poll" now. I don't like it because it's voting on whether a mod is good or not. Personally, we should only vote from our own experience, not based on others' stories. Yet nothing it keeping anyone from lying, assuming, etc. And finally, even if there are people who say the mod isn't doing their job properly, it currently sounds like they are only going to make up a smaller fraction of users; not everyone gets to interact with all the mods.<br /> <br /> I kind of like it because I realize that even if it <i>is</i> a small fraction of users, depending how many it actually was (Like... 50), something might actually be done to figure out what the problem is and settle it. But I still very much dislike the idea that this feels public, wide open, and... "mean" - for lack of a better word. If it was removed from being shown throughout the entire site, I'd prefer it a bit more, but still...<br /> <br /> I don't know, I'm confusing. xD;; Rambling even.

08-23-2011 at 2:54 AM
Aside of everything else, the rising prices have already done some serious damage in my eyes, as bones became yet more expensive to buy from other players and everyone else and their mother rises prices on their items to ridiculous levels as well to match the shop increase. <br /> <br /> I agree Ala feels a bit too controlled (especially in regards to what can be posted where) but I prefer this to 100 adverts spamming the main chats. <br /> <br /> Maybe this thread should be moved to debates though, as it is not really a suggestion.

08-22-2011 at 8:00 PM
I have to agree with some points made here, especially Geist's in that I think there are problems on both sides.<br /> I have seen countless numbers of times when mods (not everyone, but I can think of one in particular) would <br /> immediately jump on you as "Selling" a dog if you were only linking to one that happened to be for sale to<br /> show it's coat or something, and not advertising at all - I completely understand that this is a good rule because<br /> it can be abused, but when this mod's friends did the same or other things they were overlooked. These situations<br /> did not happen to me in particular but even when I am not in chat I usually watch it and I saw that kind of stuff often.<br /> I think it has improved lately though, I have not seen it as much, I believe that person is no longer a mod.<br /> <br /> Also I think the Issue hub should be tweaked slightly. When people pop into chat to ask a quick question that can<br /> be answered super fast, and they are directed to the issue hub, that seems ridiculous. Yes, if you are a newbie and <br /> you need a long explanation, or want to report a bug, etc, or have a problem with someone, use the issue hub. But a quick <br /> question? It usually can take a day or more for an issue to be claimed and responded to (understandable).

08-22-2011 at 2:30 PM
"I don't believe I've received a message from Ly, and definitely not in a long time if one was ever sent."<br /> <br /> Like said, I went by several different names. And I sent long messages to Wysper and Aadyn in the past. I have them both saved to my computer (with the dates) if you wish to see them, but haven't sent anything directly to you.:)<br /> <br /> Actually wasn't planning on posting here again, but I felt that needed to be said.>.> I don't think I ever said in this thread that I directly messaged you, Rob, and if I did...I'm not really sure what I was thinking.XD Because I know I haven't.<br /> <br /> Edited for fail.>.>
edit history
2011-08-22 14:30:52 by #1853


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